
Mission: Manada Conservancy is a land trust dedicated to preserving the natural, historic, agricultural and scenic resources of Dauphin County through land conservation, environmental education, and community engagement.

Vision: Manada Conservancy envisions a community in which preserved land is abundant and conservation is widely practiced for the benefit of all.

The Conservancy formed in 1997 because our founding members were concerned about loss of farmland and wildlife habitat in our region.  The Conservancy’s name was chosen because the Manada Creek watershed is central to our original focus area of southern Dauphin County. The name also represents the Native American history of the area and the connection of water and land to all living things. 

Manada Conservancy works with landowners who voluntarily wish to preserve their land and its natural resources for the future. Manada Conservancy’s preservation service area now includes all of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, with nearly 3,000 acres preserved to date.  Our free education programs are popular and varied and draw from a multi-county area.

How we are funded:
Manada Conservancy is a membership-based non-profit, relying on the support of community members like you to fulfill its mission. More than 70% of our revenue comes from our membership and individual contributions. Throughout the year we host several fundraising events including our annual native plant sale. Other avenues of funding include non-member contributions, memorial contributions, business and corporate sponsorships, in-kind donations, Earthshare payroll donations, internet donations, car donations, grants, bequests and planned giving. Visit our Donate page for more information about any of these options.

Enjoy this StoryMap, prepared by intern Taylor Quaid in 2023, in recognition of our 25th Anniversary!



Here’s an article about us, written several years ago: https://thebackyardgnome.com/manada-conservancy-pennsylvania-information/