Please complete the form below to support Manada Conservancy’s mission of land protection and environmental education.
Is Manada Conservancy a charitable organization? Yes! Manada Conservancy is a 501(c)(3) organization. Our tax identification number is 25-1784517.
Does my workplace participate in employer matching funds for charitable donations? Some companies make your donations go farther by matching them. Ask your employer’s HR department for details or contact us at 717-566-4122 or
Do you accept gifts of stocks? Yes! Please contact our office at 717-566-4122 or to discuss this options.

Does Manada Conservancy participate in PA SECA? Yes, we are partners with EarthShare. You can choose to support Manada Conservancy through the PA SECA program using our number 9200-0020.

Do you accept donations of old vehicle? Yes, we participate in CARS for vehicle donations. All you do is call 855-500-RIDE (7433) or go online. They pick it up, sell it, and give your charity the money.
Looking for other ways to support Manada Conservancy? Contact the office at 717-566-4122 or
- Remember Manada Conservancy in your will. Leaving a charitable bequest is a legacy that will carry your support of our shared vision into the future. This is as simple as adding a few lines to your will.
- Think about long-term planning and how best to manage your charitable contributions going forward. Especially as retirement age gets closer, rolling over money into charities rather than giving cash is sometimes more beneficial to your finances. Get some expert help to know how best to assure your future comfort and help the organization you love.