
Forty-Six More for the Kittatinny Ridge!

Thanks to Dr. Gordon, another piece of the puzzle has been put together.  The Kittatinny Ridge, known to the Lenape Native Americans as “endless” or “great mountain,” is an area that has, in recent years, become a high priority for protection among various conservation groups.  As habitat on the mountain continues to become fragmented more and more by development, Manada Conservancy and fellow organizations are rallying together to impress upon local municipal officials and landowners the importance of the resource they possess.

Dr. Gordon and his family were already well aware of the value of their land before reaching out to Manada Conservancy, first in 2008.  Dr. Gordon and his wife, Doris, purchased their piece of mountain land in 1971.  After making improvements to the existing 1850s log cabin home, they moved their family there.  The Gordon property contains headwaters to Beaver Creek, a tributary to Swatara Creek.  It is one of the largest remaining tracts of land in the area and is contiguous with 77 acres of woodland already protected by Manada Conservancy, a great accomplishment for the Kittatinny Ridge preservation effort.

After the passing of Mrs. Gordon, the desire to preserve the family land became even more significant and led Dr. Gordon to reach out to Manada Conservancy once again.  To that end, a conservation easement was completed in 2015.  We were happy to work with Dr. Gordon and his son, Dudley, to finalize their dream of preserving the land on which they have so many family memories, a piece of land that will forever contribute to the integrity of the Kittatinny Ridge.