Halfway up the mountain, along Blue Mountain Parkway, The Elizabeth Woods property is 44.5 acres of preserved forest. Formerly belonging to the Ernest Champagne Trust, this beautiful woods is now one of our larger fee owned properties, and it is open to the public for passive recreational use.
The family, in memory of their mother, Elizabeth Champagne, who loved the land and the history that it held, has given the property its lovely name. It is because of their generosity in donating the match to our grant award that The Elizabeth Woods and its natural beauty will belong to all of us.
For the hardy hiker, this property is an ideal destination for a rugged hike up to the ridge line, scrambling over rocky terrain and stopping to rest now and then on a boulder.
If you find yourself climbing the mountain on a brisk sunny day, looking for one of the many birds, deer, bear or even the rare and threatened Allegheny wood rat, you will realize for yourself what a gem this rugged, wild property is.