Your Local Land Trust
We are a land trust dedicated to the protection and preservation of the natural, historic, agricultural and scenic resources in our region. Manada Conservancy focuses on the Dauphin County region, and its members are familiar with specific needs and pressures on land in our local municipalities.
The Conservancy was formed as a private, charitable organization that accepts financial donations, donations of land, and conservation easements. We also make use of grants, where available, to supplement our project expenses. The Conservancy holds the land and easements, and the land is left in its natural state into perpetuity.
Preserving the Pronio Family Farm ~ Click here to watch a short video about what preserving the family farm means to one of our Partners in Preservation!
Manada Conservancy is a member of two professional organizations: the Pennsylvania Land Trust Association and the national Land Trust Alliance. We have adopted and abide by the Land Trust Alliance Standards and Practices.
In 2019, Manada Conservancy and the Dauphin County Planning Commission partnered to produce a comprehensive Natural Resources Inventory of Dauphin County. This document combines land use planning expertise with conservation knowledge, resulting in benefits for both Manada Conservancy’s Strategic Conservation Planning, and for DCPC as they guide municipalities in local land use planning. For a quick, colorful overview of the Natural Resources Inventory, view the StoryMap version.
Please use the side menu to learn more about The Swatara Greenway, The Kittatinny Ridge, or find Information for Landowners.
For examples of our projects and how they were protected, please see Our Projects.